How To: Add TLS termination to a gateway
This guide will show you how to add TLS and HTTPS to an application with a gateway.
- rad CLI
- Bicep VSCode extension
- Radius environment
- Domain name + DNS A-record pointing to your Kubernetes cluster
- If running Radius on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster you can optionally use a DNS label to create a DNS A-record pointing to your cluster.
- If running Radius on an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster you can optionally leverage an Application Load Balancer for a hosted DNS name and record.
Step 1: Define a container
Begin by creating a file named app.bicep
. Add a container which will be exposed to the internet:
extension radius
@description('The application ID being deployed. Injected automtically by the rad CLI')
param application string
resource frontend 'Applications.Core/containers@2023-10-01-preview' = {
name: 'frontend'
properties: {
application: application
container: {
image: ''
ports: {
web: {
containerPort: 3000
Step 2: Add a secret store
TLS certificates need to be referenced via a Radius secret store. You can either reference an existing secret, or define a new one with certificate data.
Managing certificates in Kubernetes
cert-manager is a great way to manage certificates in Kubernetes and make them available as a Kubernetes secret. This example uses a Kubernetes secret that was setup by cert-managerresource secretstore 'Applications.Core/secretStores@2023-10-01-preview' = {
name: 'secretstore'
properties: {
application: application
type: 'certificate'
// Reference the existing tls-certificate Kubernetes secret in the default namespace
// Change this if your Kubernetes secret is in a different namespace or is named differently
resource: 'default/tls-certificate'
data: {
// Make the tls.crt and tls.key secrets available to the application
// Change these if your secrets are named differently
'tls.crt': {}
'tls.key': {}
@description('TLS certificate data')
param tlscrt string
@description('TLS certificate key')
param tlskey string
resource secretstore 'Applications.Core/secretStores@2023-10-01-preview' = {
name: 'secretstore'
properties: {
application: application
type: 'certificate'
data: {
'tls.crt': {
encoding: 'base64'
value: tlscrt
'tls.key': {
encoding: 'base64'
value: tlskey
Step 3: Add a gateway
Now that your certificate data is ready add a gateway and reference the secret store:
resource gateway 'Applications.Core/gateways@2023-10-01-preview' = {
name: 'gateway'
properties: {
application: application
hostname: {
fullyQualifiedHostname: 'YOUR_DOMAIN' // Replace with your domain name.
tls: {
minimumProtocolVersion: '1.2'
routes: [
path: '/'
destination: 'http://${}:3000'
Step 4: Deploy the application
rad deploy app.bicep -a tlsdemo
rad deploy app.bicep -a tlsdemo -p tlscrt=<base64-encoded TLS certificate> -p tlskey=<base64-encoded TLS certificate private key>
You should see the application deploy successfully, with the public endpoint printed automatically:
Building app.bicep...
Deploying template './app.bicep' for application 'tlsdemo' and environment 'default' from workspace 'default'...
Deployment In Progress...
Completed gateway Applications.Core/gateways
Completed frontend Applications.Core/containers
Completed secretstore Applications.Core/secretstores
Deployment Complete
gateway Applications.Core/gateways
secretstore Applications.Core/secretstores
frontend Applications.Core/containers
Public endpoint https://MYDOMAIN/
Step 5: Access HTTPS endpoint
Once the deployment is complete you should see a public endpoint displayed at the end. Navigating to this public endpoint should show you your application that is accessed via HTTPS, assuming that you have a valid TLS certificate:

You’ve successfully deployed an application with TLS termination. Make sure to cleanup your resources:
rad app delete tlsdemo -y
Further reading
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