Overview: Microsoft Azure resources

Deploy and connect to Azure resources in your application

Radius Applications are able to connect to and leverage every Azure resource with Bicep. Simply model your Azure resources in Bicep and add a connection from your Radius resources.

Configure an Azure Provider

The Azure provider allows you to deploy and connect to Azure resources from a Radius Environment on any of the supported clusters. To configure an Azure provider, you can follow the documentation here.

Resource library

Visit the Microsoft docs to reference every Azure resource and how to represent it in Bicep.

Azure resource library


In the following example, a Container is connecting to an Azure Cache for Redis resource. The Container is assigned the Redis Cache Contributor role:

extension radius

param environment string

@description('The Azure region to deploy Azure resource(s) into. Defaults to the region of the target Azure resource group.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

resource cache 'Microsoft.Cache/Redis@2019-07-01' = {
  name: 'mycache'
  location: location
  properties: {
    sku: {
      capacity: 0
      family: 'C'
      name: 'Basic'

resource app 'Applications.Core/applications@2023-10-01-preview' = {
  name: 'myapp'
  properties: {
    environment: environment

resource container 'Applications.Core/containers@2023-10-01-preview' = {
  name: 'mycontainer'
  properties: {
    application: app.id
    container: {
      image: 'myimage'
      env: {
        REDIS_HOST: {
          value: cache.properties.hostName
    connections: {
      redis: {
        iam: {
          kind: 'azure'
          roles: [
            'Redis Cache Contributor'
        source: cache.id