Reference: applications.dapr/secretstores@2023-10-01-preview

Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/secretstores@2023-10-01-preview


Top-Level Resource


Property Type Description
apiVersion ‘2023-10-01-preview’ The resource api version
(ReadOnly, DeployTimeConstant)
id string The resource id
(ReadOnly, DeployTimeConstant)
location string The geo-location where the resource lives
name string The resource name
(Required, DeployTimeConstant, Identifier)
properties DaprSecretStoreProperties Dapr SecretStore portable resource properties
systemData SystemData Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
tags TrackedResourceTags Resource tags.
type ‘Applications.Dapr/secretStores’ The resource type
(ReadOnly, DeployTimeConstant)



Property Type Description
application string Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable)
componentName string The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
environment string Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
metadata DaprSecretStorePropertiesMetadata The metadata for Dapr resource which must match the values specified in Dapr component spec
provisioningState ‘Accepted’ ‘Canceled’
recipe Recipe The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource
resourceProvisioning ‘manual’ ‘recipe’
status ResourceStatus Status of a resource.
type string Dapr component type which must matches the format used by Dapr Kubernetes configuration format
version string Dapr component version



  • none

Additional Properties



Property Type Description
secretKeyRef MetadataValueFromSecret A reference of a value in a secret store component.
value string The plain text value of the metadata



Property Type Description
key string The field to select in the secret value. If the secret value is a string, it should be equal to the secret name
name string Secret name in the secret store component



Property Type Description
name string The name of the recipe within the environment to use
parameters any Any object



Property Type Description
compute EnvironmentCompute Represents backing compute resource
outputResources OutputResource[] Properties of an output resource
recipe RecipeStatus Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.


  • Discriminator: kind

Base Properties

Property Type Description
identity IdentitySettings IdentitySettings is the external identity setting.
resourceId string The resource id of the compute resource for application environment.


Property Type Description
kind ‘kubernetes’ Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
namespace string The namespace to use for the environment.



Property Type Description
kind ‘’ ‘undefined’
oidcIssuer string The URI for your compute platform’s OIDC issuer
resource string The resource ID of the provisioned identity



Property Type Description
id string The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource.
localId string The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships.
radiusManaged bool Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource.



Property Type Description
templateKind string TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
templatePath string TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
templateVersion string TemplateVersion is the version number of the template.



Property Type Description
createdAt string The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
createdBy string The identity that created the resource.
createdByType ‘Application’ ‘Key’
lastModifiedAt string The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
lastModifiedBy string The identity that last modified the resource.
lastModifiedByType ‘Application’ ‘Key’



  • none

Additional Properties

  • Additional Properties Type: string