rad resource-type create CLI reference

Details on the rad resource-type create Radius CLI command

rad resource-type create

Create or update a resource type


Create or update a resource type from a resource type manifest.

Resource types are user defined types such as 'Mycompany.Messaging/plaid'.

Creating a resource type defines a new type that can be used in applications.

Input can be passed in using a JSON or YAML file using the --from-file option.
rad resource-type create [input] [flags]


# Create a resource type from YAML file
rad resource-type create myType --from-file /path/to/input.yaml

# Create a resource type from JSON file
rad resource-type create myType --from-file /path/to/input.json


  -f, --from-file string   The input file. May be an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory
  -h, --help               help for create
  -o, --output string      output format (supported formats are json, table) (default "table")
  -w, --workspace string   The workspace name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   config file (default "$HOME/.rad/config.yaml")