How-To: Install the Radius-Bicep VSCode extension

Learn how to use Radius in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code offers the best authoring experience for Radius and Bicep. Download and install the Radius Bicep extension to easily author and validate Bicep templates:

To try out a stable release visit the latest docs.
  1. Visit the GitHub Actions runs

  2. Click on the latest successful run

  3. Scroll down to Artifacts and download release

  4. Extract the archive and Install the rad-vscode-bicep.vsix file: In VSCode, manually install the extension using the Install from VSIX command in the Extensions view command drop-down.

    Screenshot of installing a vsix extension

    You can also import this extension on the command-line with:

    code --install-extension rad-vscode-bicep.vsix

    If you’re on macOS, make sure to setup the code alias.

  5. If running on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), make sure to install the extension in WSL as well:
    Screenshot of installing a vsix extension in WSL