Overview: Radius Recipes
Recipes enable a separation of concerns between IT operators and developers by automating infrastructure deployment. Developers select the resource they want in their app (Mongo Database, Redis Cache, Dapr State Store, etc.), and IT operators codify in their environment how these resources should be deployed and configured (lightweight containers, Azure resources, AWS resources, etc.). When a developer deploys their application and its resources, Recipes automatically deploy the backing infrastructure and bind it to the developer’s resources.

Support for multiple IaC languages
Radius Recipes are designed to be pluggable across Infrastructure as Code (IaC) languages and currently supports Bicep and Terraform, with more to come in the future. This allows you to use the IaC language that best fits your needs and environment:
Language | Supported sources | Notes |
Bicep | OCI registries | Supports Azure, AWS, and Kubernetes |
Terraform | Public and private module sources | Supports Azure, AWS, Kubernetes, and any other Terraform provider |
Select the Recipe that meets your needs
Recipes can be used in any environment, from dev to prod. You can run a default recipe registered in your environment or select the specific Recipe you want to run. To run a default recipe, simply add the resource you want to your app and omit the Recipe name:
resource redisDefault 'Applications.Datastores/redisCaches@2023-10-01-preview'= {
name: 'myresource'
properties: {
environment: environment
application: application
If you want to use a specific Recipe, you can specify the Recipe name in the recipe
resource redis 'Applications.Datastores/redisCaches@2023-10-01-preview'= {
name: 'myresource'
properties: {
environment: environment
application: application
recipe: {
name: 'azure-prod'
Use rad recipe list to view the Recipes available to you in your environment.
Use lightweight “local-dev” Recipes
Radius Environments make it easy to get up and running with Recipes instantly. When you run rad init
you get a set of containerized local-dev Recipes pre-registered in your environment. These Recipes are designed to help you get started quickly with Recipes using lightweight containers. You can use these Recipes to test your app locally, or deploy them to a dev environment.
Customize with parameters
Recipes can be customized with parameters, allowing developers to fine-tune infrastructure to meet their specific needs:
resource redisParam 'Applications.Datastores/redisCaches@2023-10-01-preview'= {
name: 'myresource'
properties: {
environment: environment
application: application
recipe: {
name: 'azure-prod'
parameters: {
sku: 'Premium'
You can use rad recipe show to view the parameters available to you in a Recipe.
Author custom Recipes
It’s easy to author and register your own Recipes which define how to deploy and configure infrastructure that meets your organization’s needs. See the custom Recipes guide for more information.
Supported resources
Recipes support all of the available portable resources listed here.
Infrastructure linking
When you use a Recipe to deploy infrastructure (e.g. Azure, AWS resources), that infrastructure can be linked and tracked as part of the Recipe-enabled resource. This means you can inspect what infrastructure supports the resource. Use rad resource show -o json
to view this information.
Infrastructure lifecycle
The lifecycle of Recipe infrastructure is tied to the resource calling the Recipe. When a Recipe-supported resource is deployed it triggers the Recipe, which in turn deploys the underlying infrastructure. When the Recipe-supported resource is deleted the underlying infrastructure is deleted as well.
Further Reading
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